Roanoke, VA
Steeple & Masonry Rehabilitation
As Project Architect, Cornett & Cundiff, Inc. was responsible for the steeple replacement and masonry restoration project for the historic church and local landmark located in Roanoke, Virginia. The design included the replacement of 110-year old deteriorated wood steeples with new steel steeples clad in new copper/slate reflecting the original design, the restoration of masonry pinnacles and spires as well as the tuckpointing/restoration of masonry to remain.
Throughout the design phase of the project, CCi coordinated the efforts of the Owner, Owner’s Structural Engineering Consultant (Master Engineers and Designers, Inc.), Owner’s Historic Tax Credit Consultant (Hill Studio, P.C.) and the City of Roanoke Building Department to ensure that the design met the Owner’s budget and while conforming with the United State’s Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Rehabilitation of Existing Structures.
During the construction phase of the project, CCi continued coordination efforts through weekly meetings with the Owner, Owner’s consultants, the General Contractor (The Durable Slate Company) and their subcontractors to assure that the project moved forward in accordance with the construction documents and that any questions and/or issues were discussed and resolved quickly so not to impede progress.
Because of the efforts of the project team, the project came in considerably under preliminary cost estimates and was completed within the original project schedule. This allowed St. Andrew’s to re-dedicate the steeples prior to the busy Christmas season as scheduled and to plan for the future needs of its facilities.
Owner: St. Andrew’s/Diocese of Richmond
Owner’s Project Manager: Wayne Gould, Facilities Maintenance Coordinator
Contractor: The Durable Slate Company
A/E Cost Estimate: $2,800,000
Construction Cost: $2,193,537
Change Orders: 1 ($6,634 – install copper in lieu of EPDM at base of steeple); 2 ($51,875 – additional work to sanctuary roof, by Owner)
Completion Date: 2014